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The Difference Between A BOSS and A LEADER

Carmen M Colon  2014/7/7  11216

A leader learns all they can about their employees. They interact with them on a consistent basis and learn about their strengths and weaknesses, inside as well as outside of the work day. A boss does not. A boss shows up once a month, says a few words and leaves just as effortlessly as the person delivering your breakfast order that morning.

A leader recognizes where more training is needed and provides it. A leader cross trains and motivates the employees to want to produce more,produce better for a team as well as an individual. A leader is like a coach, who can be gruff but who inspires excellence and does not evoke hatred or disrespect.

A leader will nurture their team into a championship team, not out of competition but out of pride for the team and the end results. A boss just wants to get whatever they can from people and not bother to get to know them - not even care. A leader teaches the team to see the best of each other, recognizes more than just result, recognizes effort. A boss insists on obedience and doesn’t care if the employees don’t want to be there or not.

A leader elevates their team with pride and recognition and doesn’t see it as a budget constraint. An employee breakfast goes a long way when you’re sincere and you want amazing results from your people. On the other hand complaining about spending $50 for breakfast for a team becomes petty when it’s obvious you’d rather be anywhere but with the team you are responsible for. ...


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